Reliable, Low Cost Tulsa and OKC Fire Alarm and Security Monitoring - MacNet Wireless Monitoring

Fire alarm and security system monitoring for your Tulsa or OKC business is essential to protecting a company, especially when no one is there to call the police or department. Many of these Oklahoma alarm monitoring systems depend on telephone, VoIP, or cellular phone lines for monitoring, and these can have noteworthy drawbacks.

macnet wireless monitoring
Perhaps the most customary monitoring has been using two analog telephone lines. While telephones are available in many locations, these lines can add a considerably high monthly cost to monitoring, and there is little control over the network. Problems with the phone company, line cuts, bad weather, and other issues could paralyze the system. There is also no redundant communications path with these phone lines.

Cellular lines and VoIP systems have similar shortcomings. There is a high recurring cost and often limited network coverage. Wired connections can be cut, and cellular frequencies can be jammed preventing the capability to transmit alarm data. There are also at times expensive upgrades and infrastructure changes to deal with or mandatory hikes in fees. Satellite and private tower radios have also high fees with high equipment costs.

What can resolve all these monitoring dilemmas? MacNet Wireless Monitoring. This private mesh radio communications network provides more reliability than the alternatives by using redundancy of multiple signal pathways to a central station. Alarm signals are received by the central station in 2 seconds or less.

How does this alarm monitoring system work? Using patented mesh radio technology, signals either go directly from the MacNet subscriber at the alarm panel to the MacNet receiver at the Central Station, or the signal will “hop” through other subscribers along many possible routes until it gets a confirmed delivery at the Central Station. This self-healing network intuitively knows when and where paths can be realigned and automatically selects the most efficient route every time, making it highly redundant and allowing for faster signal transmission.
Because this network is based on radio technology, the system is not affected by weather or natural disasters and does not use a phone line or cellular network. This gives you peace of mind knowing your monitoring system is totally secure and reliable. 

Wireless mesh radio provides the lowest cost of ownership because there is no third-party communications costs. The monitoring transceivers themselves are the network and thus are easy and quick to install with no cabling, wiring, or towers needed. This means the upfront investment is comparatively small and allows you to immediately open or gain a certificate of much faster for new buildings. Remote diagnostics can simply be conducted from the central station, reducing the need for field technicians. All of this translates into low cost of ownership.
With MacNet, your alarm communication system has virtually unending scalability, allowing you to install additional receivers in even remote areas where cellular networks may not have reached yet, whether across the state, country, or even across the world using an IP link.
This wireless mesh radio network is UL Listed and NFPA 72 compliant and approved for use in primary and secondary alarm signaling. Thus with MacNet, you get an affordable, reliable, and easy means of remaining safe and compliant with all business monitoring regulations.
Because a fire can double in size every 30 seconds, a fast and reliable alarm monitoring systems is vital to protecting lives and valuable property. MacNet provides this advanced reliability while eliminating costly third-party communications fees for the most comprehensive service with the lowest cost of ownership. 




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