Mass Notification Systems in OKC and Tulsa Important in Many Emergency Situations

The terms “Emergency Communication Systems” (ECS) and “Mass Notification Systems (MNS) are often used when there is the threat of a terrorist attack or campus shooting, but there are many other situations in a variety of markets even in Tulsa and Oklahoma City where a MNS is needed and even vital to life safety.
mass notification systems tulsa okc

MNS and ECS are used to alert and protect great numbers of people in businesses and corporate campuses, industrial facilities, government agencies, school campuses, and in transportation hubs to the event of an emergency situation. These campuses or buildings can be spread out across a city, state, or even around the world.
ECS and MNS send live emergency information out across a wide variety of communication mediums using pre-recorded digital messages broadcasted through exterior and interior sounding devices, visual alerts, text, email, and web-based messaging, and outdoor electronic signs, NOTIFIER reported. This ensures that every individual who is enrolled in the system receives specific instructions.
What are some circumstances where ECS are also used?
Severe Weather
We understand the importance of clear and early warnings in Oklahoma when there’s severe weather, especially tornadoes. Using a MNS, OKC and Tulsa-area companies can give advanced warnings of severe weather to their customers and employees. These warnings can be pre-recorded or can be custom messages that give specific instructions depending on where occupants are, where the safest place to go is a specific building, and the exact storm warning. Using both exterior and interior speakers and LED signs as well as multi-colored strobe lights, occupants are clearly guided to safer location.

Warnings are also sent to occupants’ cell phones, tablets, email, or other electronic communication platforms to alert people wherever they are. The ECS from NOTIFIER allows managers to control the system from any Internet-connected location around the world. So corporate headquarters can remotely monitor and deliver emergency messages to various offices around the globe. 
Gas or Chemical Leaks
Toxic gas leaks can happen any time in an industrial facility, commercial construction area, or in other commercial area or buildings. These chemical releases and gas leaks are very dangerous and require quick action. In the event of an explosive or toxic gas leak, the ECS from NOTIFIER not only can alert occupants but can also shut down the HVAC system to avert the toxic gas from spreading.
Different areas can be targeted with specific evacuation messages depending on if occupants are inside and thus need to stay inside to avoid fumes, or they are outside and need to evacuate the risk area. Customizable instructions can tell people what medical help they may need and their level of risk in that area. Reports can even be sent to remote locations to immediately notify corporate headquarters of the incident.
When a fire alarm is activated in a building, an interconnected MNS can be used to give detailed instructions on how to safely evacuate the area. The smoke detector will activate the fire alarm control panel which will then trigger the ECS to alert occupants.

Occupants on the specific floor where the fire alarm was activated are instantly notified to evacuate using pre-recorded messages. Depending on the nature and progression of the fire, some occupants on other floors may be told to evacuate while others may be instructed to stay in place to ensure a safe and orderly evacuation, NOTIFIER noted.  Inside and outside the campus buildings through speakers and monitors as well as through text and email alerts, occupants are given clear direction using these systems.
Intruder Alert
An intruder to a building or campus presents a unique emergency situation that requires specific instructions to different areas and people. The building or campus may go into a lock-down situation until the authorities arrive and employees and customers need detailed instructions on how to react.
Occupants in different areas may need to be instructed to either hide or evacuate depending on where they are and where the intruder is headed. More subtle emergency notifications like text or email alerts may be needed to safely alert occupants. And once the situation is under control, an “all-clear” message can be sent across all communication platforms.
These ECS are important to have in place not only in the event of a bomb threat or other attack, but also when there is severe weather, gas leaks, fires, or other emergency situations that can happen at any time. Whether in large or small facilities or campuses, mass notification systems are vital to preventing injuries and saving lives. 

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