Protect your Business with these Robbery Prevention Tips

tulsa security companies
An estimated 354,520 robberies happened in the United States in 2012, the FBI reported. This is a crime, not merely against property, but also against people. As a violent crime, robbery is defined by taking or attempting to take something from an individual by force or the threat of force or by putting the victim in fear, the FBI said.

Unlike other types of theft that may often happen in secret, this crime happens when the victim is present when the theft occurs and with violent hostility toward the victims themselves. In 2012, firearms were used in 41 percent of robberies, the FBI said, following strong-arm tactics, which were used in 42.5 of reported robberies. So this crime allows increased opportunity for employees and customers to be injured and suffer the effects of traumatic stress associated with the crime.

Thus, what can Tulsa and OKC business owners do to protect themselves, their employees, and customers from robbery? And what can an individual do to protect themselves from robbery, especially when they’re alone?


·         Make sure you have an up-to-date security system with well-placed security cameras to both deter robberies and identify a robber after the event. Silent alarms can be used to quickly notify the police in the event of a robbery. Place security cameras inside and outside your facility.
·         Keep both the interior and exterior of your business well-lit. Make sure people outside of your business can see the people inside at all times. Check for exterior areas around your building and in the parking lot that are dark or lend themselves to hiding and keep these areas well-lit.
·         Be watchful and train your employees to be watchful of suspicious activity and loitering – both inside and outside your business.
·         Post signs at your entrance advertising that you have a security system to deter robbers.
·         Keep windows clear of posters that could hinder visibility from both the inside or outside.
·         Don’t keep large bills in or around the cash drawer, and only keep a minimum amount of cash in the register and publicize this to discourage robbers.
·         Keep the cash register visible to people outside your business.
·         Vary the times you go to the bank to make deposits and the routes you take to get there, carrying the cash in a variety of ways inconspicuously. Make deposits daily.
·         Have markers at the entrance of the store so that in the event of a robbery, employees can more accurately gauge the height of the person.
·         Always have more than one person working, especially at opening and closing times.
·         Keep all unnecessary entrances like back doors locked.


·         Keep your doors and windows locked and your car in gear.
·         Park and walk in well-lit areas.
·         Walk in a group.
·         Check the interior of your car and your surroundings before getting in your vehicle.
·         Be cautious and aware of your surroundings, both when traveling, especially at stop lights or intersections, and at home.
·         Keep valuables out of sight, both in your car and at home.
·         Use ATMs only during the day, in well-lit areas.
·         Avoid wearing expensive jewelry out at night.
·         Pull over to look at directions or make a phone call in a public place like a gas station or business.
·         Do not leave notes on your door telling people when you’ll return home, and don’t tell strangers that you live alone.
·         Don’t go in your home if things look out of place or open. Leave the area, and call the police to check your home.
Always be careful and use these robbery prevention strategies to keep you, your family, employees, and customers safe. Call the Tulsa and OKC security specialists at Mac Systems, Inc. for more information on how to protect your business.


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