Keep Your OKC and Tulsa Business Safe with Fire Alarm Monitoring Service

tulsa fire alarm monitoring
Fire alarms, of course, are indispensable to saving lives and property in a fire. But some business owners may stop there. However, just having a fire alarm really isn’t enough to keep your Tulsa business safe. What if no one is around the property when a fire occurs? When those passing by or neighbors do see the flames, it may be too late. Tulsa and Oklahoma City businesses need to have a fire alarm monitoring service to more fully protect themselves, their employees, and their property. What is fire alarm monitoring and why is it also vital to a commercial property? How can a Tulsa or OKC fire alarm monitoring service be advantageous even when you are on the premise when a fire starts?

What is Fire Alarm Monitoring Service?
Fire alarm monitoring ensures that there will always be someone watching your business. Whereas, the fire alarm in the facility itself will only sound an audible alarm in a fire and may activate the fire sprinkler system or other fire suppression system, which is effective in containing the fire, no one outside the building may discern that there is a fire in the building. With alarm monitoring, when an alarm goes off somewhere in the building, a signal is sent to the 24-hour offsite Tulsa or OKC monitoring company, who will then notify the fire department and the owner immediately. All of this happens very quickly.

With MacNet wireless monitoring in Tulsa and OKC, alarm signals are received by the central monitoring station in 2 seconds or less. So the alarm system experts are on-hand 24 hours a day to make sure your property is always safe.  

What are the Benefits of a Tulsa or OKC Fire Alarm Monitoring Service?
Although business owners at times may virtually live at their office, they cannot be everywhere all the time. And how draining would it be to constantly be checking on and worrying about your business to make sure it’s safe – even when you’re not there? Alarm monitoring gives business owners peace of mind knowing that an entire team of trained professionals is watching their business and that the proper authorities will be quickly notified if anything should happen.

Because a fire can double in size every 30 seconds, how fast the fire department is notified is vital both for people and property. A fire alarm monitoring service can often notify the fire department faster than an employee or owner can safely get outside the building and call the authorities. And alarm monitoring is safer than an employee or owner trying to call the fire department while still in the building. Allowing the monitoring service to notify authorities helps owners and employees to concentrate on saving their lives and that of others.

In addition, alarm monitoring may provide some insurance discounts for having an additional layer of security and safety.
Alarm monitoring can also detect other safety signals such as carbon monoxide leaks, burglaries, intruders, panic alarms, and other security and life safety concerns.

If a fire breaks out in your business, who will hear the alarm and how fast will the emergency response team arrive? Much may depend on whether your Tulsa or OKC business has a fire alarm monitoring service. MacNet wireless monitoring provides the fast and reliable monitoring service you need to keep lives and property safe at all times.

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