Nurse Call Systems Help to Provide Better Health Care in Tulsa & OKC

nurse call systems okcEveryone wants the highest quality of healthcare. Crucial to outstanding healthcare is outstanding communication. UL Listed nurse call systems for Tulsa and Oklahoma City healthcare corporations are not only essential to quality healthcare but are also vital to increasing productivity in facilities. How do nurse call systems help nurses and doctors provide better and more efficient health care?
Nurse call systems, which are often called “call bell” or “call light” systems, are the communication systems used between caregivers and patients in hospitals, assisted-living centers, outpatient clinics, and nursing homes. These nurse calls can range from very basic, where various lights and tones activated by the patient pushing a button notify the nurses’ station, to highly configurable wireless nurse call/emergency call systems and touchscreen master stations.

A significant part of improving a patient’s care and contentment is providing a fast response time. Today’s wireless nurse call systems allow nursing staff to quickly respond to patients and communicate more efficiently with doctors. Nurse call systems that integrate with wireless phones can receive patient calls or text messages about patients on the go – speaking directly with the patient or with the doctor. Often pagers are used as an economical way of providing reliable mobile care. One system from Cornell Communications, will “monitor, automatically record, document calls, and notify staff through in-house pagers, email, text message to specified cell phones, or simple integration with existing digital phone systems.”

Especially helpful in assisted-living centers, wireless pendants can help patients keep their independence while staying safe. These emergency call transmitters allow patients to travel throughout the facility and still be able to quickly contact the staff for help with just one button. The Tek-CARE®500 system includes residents’ pendants, smoke detectors, emergency switches, door and window monitors, and passive infrared (PIR) motion detectors. With this system, nurses can easily check on patients “without disturbing their privacy using the morning check-in feature of the PIR motion detector or the combination wireless assistance call and resident check-in switch.”

Medical reporting and monitoring software integrated with these nurse call systems in Tulsa and OKC can help healthcare facilities stay at their peak in productivity and quality. Cornell Communications offers call reporting and incident logging software that helps managers keep track of emergency calls, caregiver response times, patient requests, and more. Tracking this data can help improve a clinic or hospital’s operational efficiency and accurately document all aspects of the situation to improve patient care. With this online software, reports can be accessed from anywhere in the facility.
These are just a few of the many features that today’s nurse call systems in OKC and Tulsa can have. Systems can often be customized to meet the needs of the specific healthcare facility. Mac Systems, Inc. can assist healthcare providers in giving quality care through quality communication by delivering the most advanced nurse call systems.



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