Tulsa and OKC Fire Sprinkler Systems - Remember Regular Inspections, Testing, & Monitoring

Of course fire sprinkler are one of the most essential parts of a Tulsa or Oklahoma City fire protection system. Fire sprinklers can help control or extinguish a fire before the fire department arrives on the scene. 
fire sprinklers tulsa
But, you may be saying, “I know this. That’s why I have fire sprinklers installed in my building.” However, is your OKC or Tulsa fire sprinkler system monitored? Is your fire sprinkler system regularly inspected and tested? If not, how can you be sure it will protect your building in the event of a fire?
Fire Sprinkler monitoring as well as regularly testing and inspection helps to ensure that the fire sprinkler system will work properly. In addition, these regular testing and inspections are required by law and must follow the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes as well as any other authorities having jurisdiction. Monitoring of your fire sprinklers may also be required by law as well. Why do we say “may be required”?
While all new commercifire suppression tulsaal fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems are required by code to be monitored at a central monitoring station, however, this did not become a requirement until the mid-1990s. And, this code isn’t retroactive, so some fire sprinkler systems and fire alarms may not be monitored. Could this potentially be dangerous?
Fire alarm and fire sprinkler monitoring in Tulsa and OKC is essential to better protecting lives and property. When fire protection systems are monitored by a central station, fire departments can be immediately notified and respond to a fire much faster than an employee calling 911 or a passerby noticing a fire.
In addition, fire sprinkler monitoring can prevent expensive property damage and repairs by monitoring any changes in the system and allow workers to fix any leaks or other problems before they cause serious problems. Waterflow detectors help to ensure there is a proper flow of water going to the sprinkler heads. Valve supervision switches can detect unauthorized operation of the valve or any incorrect settings of the valves. These monitoring systems can ensure that youfire sprinkler monitoringr system will work properly in the event of a fire and quickly catch any issues with the system as well as report whether the sprinkler has been activated in the event of a fire.
MacNet wireless fire alarm monitoring can be used to effectively monitor your new or old fire alarm and fire sprinkler system. MacNet uses a wireless mesh radio communications network to send signals to the central monitoring station in 2 seconds or less. Using a redundancy of multiple signal pathways ensures that the signal will always reach the central station. And with its standalone communications, there are no third-party fees with MacNet wireless monitoring.
To protect your employees, customers, and property, make sure your Tulsa or OKC fire sprinkler system is monitored as well as regularly inspected and serviced. Mac Systems, Inc. can handle all of your fire sprinkler system design, installation, inspection, and monitoring needs.
(First photo by Tyco)

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