How "Green" Tulsa and OKC Fire Sprinkler Systems Are

Fire sprinklers systems are designed to help save lives and protect property, but did you know that fire sprinklers are also environmentally friendly?
Studies have been conducted in recent years on the impact of fire fire sprinklers tulsasprinklers on the environment, and the results prove how “green” these fire sprinkler systems are.
FM Global in conjunction with the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition performed full-scale fire tests in 2009 to compare the environmental impact of homes with sprinklers and those without sprinklers. Two 15 by 20 foot living rooms were built, both with the same furnishings, only one with fire sprinklers.  Firefighters started a fire in the same location in each room and waited for 10 minutes, based on the typical fire department response time.
The tests revealed the following about a home outfitted with fire sprinklers in the event of a fire: 
  • Greenhouse gases released by burning buildings were lowered by 98%. 
  • Water pollution like heavy metals found in fire hose water that is then released into the environment was also reduced.
  • Fire damage was reduced by up to 97%.
  • Water used to fight the home fire was reduced between 50% and 91%.
Of course, the most important aspect of fire sprinklers is that they can help save the lives of those endangered by a fire, but it is interesting that a burning building also can have a significant negative impact on the environment. 
This project studied the effects of household furnishing and finished materials burning, air and water pollutants released in a fire as well as the effects of disposing the fire-damaged contents of a home and the carbon footprint associated with rebuilding a burnt home, the NFPA noted. Fire sprinklers can reduce these negative effects that a fire has on the environment.
On top of their numerous safety and environmental benefits, costs to install fire sprinkler systems have even lowered in recent years. The Fire Protection Research Foundation conducted a study on the average costs of residential fire sprinklers.
“In the 2013 update, the average cost per sprinklered square foot was $1.35. In the 2008 report, the average cost per sprinklered square foot was $1.61,” the Fire Protection Research Foundation noted.
The Tulsa & OKC fire sprinkler specialists at Mac Systems can help design and install the best fire sprinkler system for your home or business. We can handle all aspects of your fire sprinkler system including regular inspections, testing, and maintenance.

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