Upgraded Security Systems - Optional or Necessary?

Have you thought about updating your security system? How old would you say your Tulsa or OKC security system is?  Have you wondered how many CCTV cameras your business needs?

cctv okcSome business owners may think that having any CCTV cameras in place at their business is enough to keep it protected. Perhaps they feel that their business isn’t likely to be broken into. That’s the reason why one Florida business owner hadn’t updated his security system, and became a victim.

“For me, I’m like who’s going to break into a car wash?” the car wash owner told reporters. In the NBC2 news article, the owner said he found out the hard way when he was broken into on three different days.

Because of his outdated security system, the police couldn’t identify the suspect. Law enforcement officials said that low quality surveillance videos are a real problem.

“We encounter older security systems on a very frequent basis,” Sgt. Dana Coston with the Cape Coral, Fla. Police Department noted, “You can’t discern detail, and it introduces a lot of questions or doubt.”

The car wash owner in the article apparently later upgraded his system, putting cameras around the business from all angles, and captured a thief on tape. The suspect, the article reported, was identified and sent to jail.

Authorities told reporters in the article that more crimes could be solved if businesses had newer equipment - underscoring the need for CCTV cameras that capture clear, non-grainy video.

It’s also important that businesses have sufficient security cameras to cover all of the facility’s requirements. Updated Tulsa and OKC CCTV cameras can be specifically designed and positioned to capture all angles and areas of a business as well as the surrounding sidewalks and public areas.

The grave importance of updated security systems and CCTV cameras was shown in the Boston Marathon bombing case. Security camera footage, reportedly from a Lord and Taylor department store, provided the clear evidence needed to identify the bombers.  In the high-quality video and photos released by the FBI, you could see the suspects in good detail.

In a Slate article, a technology columnist for the New York Times said that these notably clear images demonstrate the value and need of quality video surveillance.

“As several studies have found, a network of well-monitored cameras can help investigators solve crimes quickly, and there’s even evidence that cameras can help deter and predict criminal acts, too,” Farhad Manjoo wrote.

boston bombing suspects cctvHe noted that CCTV cameras can combat routine crime as was shown by studies done in Baltimore and Chicago where there was a significant decrease in violent crimes after surveillance networks were put in and monitored by trained personnel.

Security systems along with security system monitoring can thus greatly help to prevent crime and help to expeditiously identify and apprehend any criminals. Monitoring of security systems, Manjoo indicated in the article, could help prevent tragic events like the Boston Marathon bombing.

So, is your Tulsa or OKC security system more than five years old?  If so, or if your CCTV footage is grainy and unclear, you may need to consider upgrading your security system. And adding a security system monitoring service like MacNet can significantly improve the quality of your security. Call us for more details!

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