Tulsa and OKC Fire Systems - When to Replace?

Like all other equipment, fire alarm systems don't last indefinitely. While this system may be easy to overlook because they're not used every day, the results of an outdated and improperly maintained fire alarm system can be devastating. What can be done to get the full life out of a system? How long are Tulsa and OKC fire alarm systems expected to last?


The system may still work after this time, but it may have a significant risk of not responding properly in the event of a fire, something you don’t want.

Commonly, fire alarm systems are designed to have a life expectancy of about 15 years.

“Systems approaching 20 years of age may be beyond their technological life expectancy,” Electrical Construction & Maintenance (EC&M) magazine noted. “The system may continue to work satisfactorily if properly maintained, but you need testing and inspection by trained specialists to ensure proper system response will occur in an emergency.”

Even fire alarm systems between 10 and 15 years old will “need close attention, even with proper maintenance procedures in place,” EC&M pointed out.

The magazine article also noted that younger systems, such as those between 5 and 10 years old, may need replacement parts because of breakdowns caused by normal environmental factors like humidity, temperature, and voltage fluctuations, all of which could contribute to system failure or false alarm issues.

“But you can’t tell if they’re fully operational just by looking at them,” EC&M noted. “Dust, dirt, and other containments can cause problems with smoke detectors. Such things as vandalism, remodeling, and improper maintenance procedures can also damage a fire protection system.”

Changes in state or federal fire code laws can require a system upgrade, as well as new tenant remodeling which may require that all parts of the newly renovated space meet the latest codes.

“Even if your [fire alarm] system has had little or no problems over the course of its lifetime, one of two things eventually happens: 1) the system and its parts are discontinued and replacement parts become difficult to acquire, possibly resulting in an inoperable system, or 2) significant changes in the codes and your risk in not upgrading outweigh the cost of an upgrade,” BUILDINGS.com noted in an article about ensuring fire alarm reliability.

What can Tulsa and OKC business owners and building managers do to get the most life out of their system?

securityRegular testing, inspection, and maintenance is vital.

“If a system has had a history of poor maintenance or none at all, it’s likely that failure of components and improper monitoring of system components will occur,” EC&M said.

Although some routine inspection can sometimes be done by company employees, a licensed fire alarm company is often required for the detailed periodic testing, inspections, and maintenance of the fire alarm systems required by local and federal fire codes. These NICET certified technicians can check to make sure the system is working properly, detect any problems, and make sure everything is up to code.

Mac Systems has the trained and certified professionals needed to service, inspect, and maintain all aspects of your fire alarm system. We can service and inspect any kind of brand or system. We can also help you stay up-to-date with all applicable fire codes and life safety regulations so that you don’t have to worry about compliance issues.

Fire alarm systems can save lives, but only if they’re working properly, so have them regularly inspected to ensure you’re always protected and get the most mileage from your fire system.

Commonly, Like other all other equipment, fire alarm systems don’t last forever. While this system may be easy to overlook because they’re not used every day, the results of an outdated and improperly maintained fire alarm system can be disastrous. What can be done to get the full life out of a system? How long are Tulsa and OKC fire alarm systems expected to last?


fire alarm systems are designed to have a life expectancy of about 15 years. The system may still work after this time, but it may have a significant risk of not responding properly in the event of a fire, something you don’t want.

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