Tulsa and OKC CCTV Cameras - Preventing Theft, Fraud, and Increasing Productivity

Vandalism and theft can damage a company tremendously. That’s why so many companies are investing in professional CCTV surveillance systems for their OKC or Tulsa companies. This basic investment can really save a business owner money, time, and also provide valuable peace of mind.

Here are some advantages of using Tulsa and OKC CCTV security that you may not have thought about before. See how these advanced security systems can safeguard your business and save you money.

CCTV tulsa and OKCMonitor employees to help increase productivity.

Employee theft is an issue that continues to escalate in the workplace. It’s imperative that companies put into place safety measures to stop and prevent this crime that otherwise may go on for years. And along with physical theft is the robbing of valuable company time.

“Employee time theft can negatively affect your business, resulting in a decline in productivity and profit,” the Houston Chronicle reported. “Time theft occurs when employees spend company time doing things unrelated to their jobs or are frequently late.”

How can you avert this theft and increase productivity? CCTV cameras can act as motivators for employees, helping them to perform at a higher level of efficiency. Supervisors can use the videotape to help employees understand their true work habits and see where they can improve. On the other hand, these CCTV cameras can also be used to commend examples of excellent customer service in action, also a motivator to continue great performance.

Thwart theft and shoplifting.

theft prevention tulsaAlong with employee theft, CCTV cameras in OKC and Tulsa can be a noteworthy deterrent against shoplifting. Thieves, of course, do not like and try to avoid stores with CCTV cameras, so warning customers that they will be filmed while in the store can greatly deter a would-be thief.  Strategically placed surveillance cameras on high traffic areas like the cash register counter, the front entrance, and large purchase items can help to inhibit shoplifting. These CCTV systems can also be very valuable in the event you are a victim of shoplifting by helping to identify and prosecute these criminals.

Security monitoring after hours.

CCTV cameras can also assist in deterring and preventing crimes after your doors are closed for business. Again, vandals and thieves are less like to break-in your business or vandalize your property if they know they could be caught on camera. These CCTV cameras can help to protect dimly-lit areas from break-ins as well as protecting employees who stay late or work in shipping and receiving areas.

Protection against fraudulent worker injury claims.

Many businesses have been installing CCTV cameras to prevent and prove fraudulent worker’s compensation or other liability claims.

“We’ve made a number of claims literally vanish once we produce the video footage to show that what the claimant says, whether it’s an employee or a guest … didn’t really happen,” Jeff Strege, director of risk management for Chuck E. Cheese, told Business Insurance.

Thus, these CCTV security cameras can be very effective in stopping and preventing different types of fraud, saving companies untold amounts of money and time in legal hearings.

Overall, CCTV security cameras protect companies large and small from all types of crime that could relentlessly impact their profit and productivity. Contact Mac Systems for more information on the best CCTV cameras for your Tulsa or OKC business.

1 comment:

  1. Today, CCTV cameras definitely play a big role in keeping our surroundings safe. This serves as a virtual eye at home and in businesses. According to an article, establishments with CCTV Cameras are less likely to be targeted by petty thieves.
