Beyond OKC Fire Alarms - Fire Escape Plans Essential

Advanced warning in a fire is vital. The import of having fire alarms and smoke detectors for Oklahoma homes and businesses cannot be overstated. As the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) noted though, your ability to get out safely in a fire hinges not only on advanced warning but also on advanced planning. 

fire alarms okc
Therefore, in homes as well as businesses and public places, a comprehensive fire escape plan is essential. 

“Fire can spread rapidly through your home, leaving you as little as two minutes to escape safely once the alarm sounds,” the NFPA reported. 

This is true likewise of commercial buildings. “Fires in assembly occupancies have shown to be some of the most deadly when the proper features, systems, and construction materials were not present,” NFPA noted. “…when fire strikes a public building, occupants have only minutes to escape.” 

What can you do to ensure your family and employees know how to escape safely in the event of a fire? 

Below are some fire escape planning tips via the NFPA and the U.S. Fire Administration

Walk through your home with everyone to create an escape plan. Examine all probable exits and escape routes and ensure that these routes are clear and that doors and windows can be opened easily. Make sure you have two ways to get out of every room in the house. For children, consider drawing a floor plan, marking two ways out of each room and the location of each smoke alarm. As you walk through the escape plan with everyone, make sure they unmistakably understand the plan.

For businesses, it’s also essential to have clear pathways through all escape routes and stairways and to confirm all emergency doors and windows open easily. Clearly mark and post these escape routes.

Choose a safe outside meeting place like a neighbor’s house, a mailbox, or a stop sign that is a safe distance away from your home where the family can all meet after they have escaped. Mark the meeting place on your fire escape plan. 

Companies also need to have an separate meeting place designated where employees will meet and be accounted for in the event of a fire. This meeting place should be far enough away from the building so that occupants don’t get hurt by debris and so that the fire department can easily get through the area. 

Smoke alarms need to be installed “in every sleeping room, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of the home,” NFPA said. Make sure there are also correctly inspected and working fire extinguishers in the home. 

Companies should make sure their Tulsa and OKC fire detection and suppression systems including fire extinguishers, fire alarms, fire sprinkler systems, fire doors, and smoke detectors are inspected and serviced on a regular basis according to NFPA and local regulations. A Tulsa or OKC fire alarm monitoring service can protect your business 24/7 and instantly notify you and the fire department in the event of an emergency.  

Can the fire department easily find your home? Your house number should be clearly visible from the road, either on your house or painted on the curb, so that emergency personnel can find your home. 

Help children know how to escape on their own in the event that you cannot help them. Have them memorize the emergency phone number of the fire department so that they can call when they’re safely outside. 

If there are persons with disabilities in the home, have someone assigned to assist them in the fire drill and event of a fire. Have another person ready as a backup to assist these ones as well, in case the first person is not home in an emergency. 

This is also essential for businesses to have in place for any disabled employees. 

Practice your fire escape plan during the daytime and at night, conducting fire drills twice a year. Make sure kids have mastered the escape plan before having a fire drill at night when they’re sleeping. “The objective is to practice, not to frighten, so telling children there will be a drill before they go to bed can be as effective as a surprise drill,” NFPA said. Determine whether children and others can readily awaken to the smoke alarm sound. The NFPA noted that some studies show children may not awaken even to a fire alarm. In that case, you’ll need to assign someone to awaken them in the drill and a real fire. 

These fire escape planning tips can help keep your family and employees safe. Mac Systems can also help with your fire safety planning as well as regular inspections and maintenance for your Tulsa or OKC fire detection and suppression systems.

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