Misconceptions About OKC and Tulsa Security System Monitoring

tulsa alarm monitoringThere are many myths that are told about Tulsa and OKC security system. Some of these apprehensions of alarm monitoring services may be applicable even with other monitoring systems and technologies. However, MacNet wireless security monitoring is different than the rest. MacNet alarm monitoring causes many of these concerns to be immaterial.

Some of the more common misconceptions about alarm monitoring are listed below…along with the MacNet monitoring solution.

Monthly monitoring fees for these systems are very expensive. Traditional monitoring services may have additional fees associated with them for third-party communication costs from cellular, GSM, telephone lines, or Internet service, but MacNet monitoring removes these costly extra fees.

Mesh radio wireless alarms saved one Southern California school district an estimated $96,000 annually in monthly cellular and telephone fees.

Since the mesh radio network is autonomous of cellular and telephone networks, there are no expensive infrastructure changes, upgrades, sunsets, trade-outs, and mandatory hikes in fees.

These alarm monitoring systems are difficult and expensive to install. MacNet is a wireless network of mesh radio transceivers that uses radio technology, so installation does not include cabling, trenching, or IT departments, but, on the other hand, MacNet provides immediate monitoring after this easy installation. The transceivers are the network, and they automatically self-enroll into the wireless mesh network. This saves thousands of dollars when compared to installing new cabling or wires in a company for a monitoring system. Business owners also save money and time by gaining a certificate of occupancy faster for new buildings.

This alarm monitoring actually provides the lowest cost of ownership compared other monitoring services. The system is also cheaper and easier to maintain because it, with two-way communication, allows for remote diagnostics.

These systems will fail during bad weather or an extended power outage. Often storms or accidents can take out traditional monitoring services.  During hurricanes Wilma and Katrina, telephone lines were flooded, and cellular sites with battery back-up couldn’t be reached to be recharged by the generators due to flooding.

The wireless radio mesh alarm system with an extensive battery back-up remained online despite all these obstacles, the AES Corporation, the leading wireless mesh radio network manufacturer, said. The mesh radio network automatically self-heals and re-routes through multiple signal paths with two-way communication to remain entirely reliable when through bad weather or even national disasters.

The response time from the monitoring station is slow. Because of the redundancy of multiple signal paths of mesh radio technology, signals are received by the central station in 2 seconds or less. Signals will either go directly from the subscriber to the central station, or they will “hop” through other subscribers until they receive a confirmed delivery at the central station. This means you always get a fast, reliable response.

These are just a few of the more common misconceptions about security system monitoring in OKC and Tulsa.

Monitoring your security system can save a company time, money, and frustration by immediately notifying the owner and the authorities in the event of a security breach. MacNet wireless security system monitoring can offer numerous security and cost-saving benefits.

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