Retail Security Tips from Oklahoma Security Company Mac Systems

According to the National Retail Security Survey of 2012, inventory shrinkage, or loss, costs US retailers a disturbing $44 billion annually. The two largest causes of this inventory
shrinkage were employee theft and shoplifting including organized retail crime (ORC). Sadly, employee theft has been the “single most significant source of inventory shrinkage” over the past two decades, according to the survey, with 41% attributed to this in 2012. Shoplifting and ORC attributed to about 33% of the losses. “. . . the survey estimates alone show that stealing by shoppers cost American retailers a staggering $14.6 billion over the past year.” What can retailers do to better protect their stores?
access control tulsaMake sure your security system and video surveillance cameras are working properly. 
Have your Tulsa or OKC security company check your security system and CCTV cameras to ensure everything is up-to-date, that the cameras are positioned well, are capturing clear images, and video recording is working properly. Having an employee designated to continually monitor the CCTV cameras can help to stop shoplifters before they get away or even prevent shoplifting by identifying suspicious activity in real time
Make your security mirrors, motion sensors, and security cameras visible to customers to deter shoplifters. Having signs warning shoplifters of the consequences of stealing can also be a deterrent.
Let your security and alarm monitoring company know about any changes to your store hours for the holidays. Make sure your Tulsa or OKC security company has the correct contact information for who in the company to notify if a security breach or emergency occurs.
Make sure your retail environment isn’t vulnerable to shoplifting. 
When hanging holiday decorations, make sure these don’t obstruct the view of the security cameras or the view of the store entrance for employees.
Make sure that merchandise and displays can clearly be seen by employees from a variety of vantage points by positioning taller displays farther back in the store and shorter displays closer to the registers. Keep expensive items locked in display cases. Make sure registers are staffed at all times.
Train employees to be aware and visible. 
Help employees know how to spot a shoplifter by their behavior such as wandering aimlessly, lingering in hard-to-monitor areas, repeatedly leaving and returning to the store, or avoiding eye contact.
Train even seasonal employees to know how to react to any suspicious activity. Often greeting every customer, asking if they need any help, or if they’re ready to pay for the item can help to prevent shoplifting.
Remind employees to double-check merchandise during the purchasing process to ensure the customer hasn’t hidden extra items, especially in merchandise like purses or bags.
Have employees stationed at dressing rooms to assist customers and limit access to the dressing room.
Implement access control measures for employees. 
Especially for staff hired just for the holiday season, use an access control system to only allow seasonal employees entry to the specific areas they need access to and only during working hours.
To help reduce employee theft, it may be wise to limit all employee access to just areas that their specific job requires. For instance, not all employees may need access to the stockroom or other areas.
Watch for signs of employee theft. 
There are often tell-tale signs that an employee might be taking advantage of his or her position. Be aware of employees with calculators next to the cash drawer or a separate receipt book. Check that deposits are being made on a regular basis, and check the cash-to-credit purchase ratios. Random, unannounced visits to your store including unexpected register checks can also be helpful in deterring employee theft.
For help to ensure your business is security during any season, call the Tulsa and OKC security experts at Mac Systems. We can make sure your security system and video surveillance cameras are at their peak performance and ensure there are no gaps in your security that could leave you vulnerable to shoplifting or employee theft. We can also design and install a complete access control system for your company.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your tip to train your employees how to react to suspicious activity. My sister has a small retail store and shoplifting has increased. She has been considering getting a security system but it seems like training her employees would also be beneficial.
