The Newest Homes Are Built With Fire Sprinkler Systems

The last few years homes have seen many technological advances in home building. Now there are “smarthomes” where you can control many aspects of your home – from its security system to the thermostat – right from your tablet or smartphone. Many of these advances make managing your home more convenient than ever. But one advancement in particular is also giving homeowners an increased level of fire safety, which can provide much peace of mind.

Residential fire sprinkler systems are a part of the ‘home of the future’ and are becoming more and more popular as homeowners see the exceptional value they offer with such a minimal aesthetic impact.

residential fire sprinklersFire sprinkler systems were part of a recent home builders’ exhibition in San Francisco that showcased the latest trends in home innovation and technology. Residential sprinklers were one of the big trends highlighted at the exhibition.

Gary Smith, a district sales manager for Viking SupplyNet, told the San Jose Mercury News, “The latest versions of sprinklers are more aesthetically pleasing and can be installed in more places inside the house.”

When many think of sprinklered homes, they may picture the traditional sprinkler facets they see in commercial buildings. But residential fire sprinkler systems are different than commercial fire sprinkler systems and are often barely noticeable. These sprinklers can easily be concealed with cover plates that come in a variety of colors to match the home’s interior.

The State of California already requires all new one and two-family homes and townhomes to have fire sprinklers put in. The benefits that sprinklers afford to homes is truly remarkable. Fire sprinklers really do protect a home and its occupants by quickly controlling and stopping a fire before it gets out of control and engulfs a home. As the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition mentioned, usually just one fire sprinkler will control or put out the entire fire.

Thus, residential fire sprinklers are showing themselves very valuable to homeowners throughout the nation. Sprinklered homes are truly the way of the future, effectively protecting occupants and property from the devastating effects of a home fire.

Mac Systems would be glad help you learn more about Tulsa and OKC fire sprinkler systems and complete fire suppression systems for commercial and residential properties.

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