Tips for Selecting A Fire Extinguisher for Your Tulsa or OKC Business

Most fire extinguishers are designed to put out a small fire or suppress the flames until you can escape and call the fire department. Many Tulsa and OKC residents and business owners realize the value of having fire extinguishers readily on-hand in the occurrence of fire. But which fire extinguisher should you select, there are number of options? And are regular fire extinguisher inspections really necessary?

Fire extinguishers are organized into different kinds based on the type of fire they will be effective with and can be used on:

Class A: Puts out ordinary, non-metal combustible materials like cloth, wood, paper, fire extinguishers tulsa okcplastic, and rubber.

Class B: Can be used on fires with flammable liquids like grease, gasoline and oil.

Class C: Puts out fire involving live electricity such as with appliances and tools, really anything that is plugged into electric.

Class D: Are designed for flammable metals, often a specific type of metal. These are usually found in factories, auto body shops, and other industrial-type companies.

Class K: Are intended for use on fires with vegetable and animal oils or fats in cooking appliances. This class of fire extinguishers are usually found in commercial kitchens.

Thus, commonly a household fire extinguishers would be either Class A, B, or C, or a combination of those. For the home, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) suggest selecting a multi-purpose A-B-C fire extinguisher that can be used on all types of home fires.

Choose a fire extinguisher that has the label of an independent testing laboratory, NFPA said. Make sure your family and employees have proper fire extinguisher training so as to know how to safely use an extinguisher.

Rechargeable or Disposable. Fire extinguishers can be either disposable with plastic valves or rechargeable with metal valves.  Rechargeable extinguishers may be more tulsa or okc fire extinguishersexpensive but they can be refilled and reused after they have been serviced. Disposable ones, as their description suggests, will have to be replaced after the pin is pulled. Replacing the entire extinguisher could be more expensive than refilling a used rechargeable one.

Rating. Fire extinguishers are also given a rating number. These numbers, which will precede the class letter in small print on the extinguisher, and tell you the relative effectiveness of the extinguisher against that type of fire. The higher the rating, the more effective the extinguisher will be.

For example, your home fire extinguisher may be a 2-A:10-B:C rated extinguisher. An extinguisher you might have for your garage or a workshop, where there may be an increased level of hazards than inside the home, may be rated 3-A:40-B:C, which would be more effective.

Weight. The NFPA recommends selecting an extinguisher that is “large enough to put out a small fire, but not so heavy as to be difficult to handle.” Thus, it makes sense to choose the largest one that you and each of your adult family members can handle well. Note too that the weight labeled on the extinguisher is actually the weight of the chemical inside. The canister will add a couple more pounds to the overall weight.

Inspections. Fire extinguishers should be inspected regularly including monthly “quick checks” and thorough annual inspections by a certified fire suppression professional. These Tulsa or OKC fire extinguisher inspections are very important for your extinguisher to be effective in an emergency because extinguishers can lose pressure over time.

After you select your fire extinguisher, it should be installed near an exit, the NFPA recommends. Keep your back to a clear exit when you use the device so that you can easily escape if it gets out of control. Leave immediately if the room fills with smoke.

Mac Systems in Tulsa and OKC can handle all of your fire extinguisher inspections and maintenance to ensure your safety in the event of a fire.

1 comment:

  1. Most people don't know how a fire extinguisher works! Even I didn't know until I was enlightened in your article. It should be taught to more people I think. Just in case!
