Commercial Security Systems Needed For Even Small Businesses

If you’ve opened a business recently in the Oklahoma City or Tulsa area you are to be commended for all the effort, time, and resources it took to put that long-awaited “Open for Business” sign up. It’s quite an accomplishment to open and manage your own business. Many long hours and anxious moments go into owning a company, especially in its first few systems okc

But something that small business owners may overlook in all the hustle and bustle is their security options. With the major investment of starting your own company, some may delay or even disregard the idea of installing a commercial security system in their Tulsa or OKC business. However this could end up proving very costly. How?

The commonly reasoned “it could never happen to me,” often leads to serious disappointment. Because according to the FBI, a burglary happens in the U.S. on average every 15 seconds. And sadly, which business would be a more likely target for burglary – a small business with no security system or a larger one with advanced security?

Consider this, as a small business with limited resources, could your business afford to have a costly break-in or vandalism with the cost downtime and repairs, and afterward still remain open?

Shoplifting and employee theft can add greatly to your cost of doing business, significantly impacting your bottom-line. And then there is the threat of you, your employees and customers’ personal safety, which is of course priceless.

On a larger scale, in 2012, Impairment Resources LLC filed bankruptcy after its San Diego headquarters was broken into and detailed medical information for its patients was taken, the Wall Street Journal reported. So, one office building burglary led to the collapse of this national medical records firm.

All things considered, and not to mention the numerous other benefits of security systems, can your business really afford not to have a commercial security system?

macnet alarm monitoringNaturally, Tulsa or OKC alarm monitoring service is also a must-have for businesses. Wireless alarm monitoring services can monitor your business not only for criminal activity but also for fires. Thus, if a fire breaks out or there’s a break-in, the alarm monitoring service in Tulsa or OKC will immediately contact you and the proper authorities, preventing the emergency from getting out of control and proving very costly.

As a small business owner, you have many things to consider, but two things you can’t really afford to overlook are getting a commercial security system and alarm monitoring service. Keep your new business diligently protected!

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