Reliable Wireless Alarm Monitoring Service in OKC and Tulsa

The threat of severe weather often means increased vulnerability for many alarm communication systems. Wireless security system monitoring services in Tulsa and OKC become susceptible to weather usually because they count on phone lines or cellular towers for communication, and frequently these can easily be knocked out during severe weather or national disasters.

One wireless security system monitoring service has demonstrated itself to be reliable during severe weather and disasters – long-range radio mesh alarm communications. This alarm monitoring system doesn’t depend on wires, phone lines, or towers to communicate, so mesh radio alarm monitoring service is completely dependable during various types of weather.
severe weather alarm monitoring
With hurricanes Wilma and Katrina, there were winds of more than 150 mph which quickly took out cellular towers and phone lines leaving hundreds of thousands without communication capabilities. Those without these communications included not only residential customers but also commercial and municipal groups.

“With storm surges of 20 feet, driving rain and extreme winds, the standard communications infrastructure realized a variety of obstacles,” AES Corporation, the leading manufacturer of long-range operator-owned and controlled private wireless mesh networks, reported. “Long-distance telephone line switches were flooded and had to be powered down until waters receded. Cellular sites with battery backup had no personnel or generators for recharging as they were unable to reach sites due to flooding. Satellite dishes and radio towers were downed or knocked off their coordinates.”
Wireless mesh radio alarm communication systems with its extensive battery backup, AES Corporation said, remained online through these awful storms. These long-range radio mesh alarm communications systems automatically self-heal and re-route through multiple signal paths making them completely dependable. MacNet mesh radio monitoring signals are received by the central station in 2 seconds or less.
Reliable security system monitoring in Tulsa and OKC is vital at all times, but especially during national disasters and severe weather because crime increases during these times.
“With no communications available at protected premises during these times,” AES noted, “it’s a free-for-all for looters.”
Wireless security system monitoring from MacNet is not susceptible to weather, downed towers, line cuts, or satellites. And whereas these other technologies come and go, radio won’t become obsolete or be subject to technological enhancements, upgrades, or sunsets. 
This translates to an alarm monitoring service you can securely and safely depend on to protect your business and family.

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