Disproving the Claim That Security Companies Are Home's Biggest Risk

In a well-known magazine an article was written about security companies actually being the homeowner’s security risk. But is this really true? Could security companies be the security threat? As an Oklahoma security company, we thought maybe we should provide a response to these claims about our industry.

It is true that the amount of security systems in the United States does continue to increase. The The New York Times as saying that in 2010 there were approximately 36 million security systems in place, with half being in homes. And the security industry, as the article continued, is a billion dollar industry. These facts merely show the increasing need for security in a world with increasing amounts of crime, not necessarily that the prices are too high or that security systems are unnecessary. Actually, the article compared security system costs with that of cable television. But isn’t one service worth more than the other?
alarm monitoring tulsa
article quoted

The article went on to suggest that in a decent neighborhood the chance of getting robbed is probably low, so as to suggest no need for a security system. But actually KJRH News said that Tulsa Metro Police Department crime statistics show a home burglary happens on average every 14 and a half minutes. Nationally, the average is every 15 seconds. So even in so-called “decent” neighborhoods in Oklahoma, crimes do happen, and a home security system can help keep you safe. And doesn't it follow that neighborhoods that are relatively safe may be safe because the majority of homes have security systems that deter criminal activity.

Security alarm monitoring services in Tulsa and Oklahoma City can be a great help in protecting your family and property from a loss. Our wireless alarm monitoring service – MacNet – provides a reliable, cost effective means of monitoring your fire alarm and security system.

The article said that a homeowner’s greatest worry should be the individuals and company you contract with for security. It is true that you should thoroughly check the security company you choose to work with, but this can be said of any business we often deal with. Local security companies may be easier to communicate with, check out, and develop a personal relationship with. Mac Systems, with offices in both Tulsa and Oklahoma City, are a locally-owned security company where you can really get to know the security representatives working on your business or home. Our security technicians are always professional and can easily be identified.

So of course with any business you work with or individuals you allow into your home, caution is always needed. But does this really mean that the security company itself is the biggest risk to your security?

Well no, security companies are designed to provide the alarm system monitoring and service you need to protect yourself and your property. Companies can be verified as to their professionalism and service. Contact the local Tulsa and OKC security system specialists at Mac Systems for reliable and professional security alarm monitoring.

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