Business and Home Holiday Security Tips

The holiday season is a busy time for most people as well as businesses, but sadly, thieves are also busy at work during this time of year. With the increased shopping, comes an increased opportunity for thieves to prey on stores as well as homes. How can you keep your Oklahoma home and business safe this holiday season?

Here are some little things you can do to help protect yourself and your business.

Oklahoma Business Holiday Security Tips

Make sure security cameras and alarm systems are up-to-date and working properly. 
Letting criminals know they’re being monitored with signs warning of alarm systems and prominently placed security cameras can help deter thieves from shoplifting or breaking-in. Both during store hours and after hours, security cameras can help you identify thieves if they do shoplift. Make sure that your holiday displays do not obstruct the view of the cameras or interfere with the security system. Check to ensure the security systems are working properly with all emergency notification information up-to-date and video systems recording clear footage and the best coverage.

Train employees to be watchful and cautious.
Well-trained employees are a business owner’s best defense against shoplifting, the Better Business Bureau noted. Employees should be taught to identity shoplifters, know their techniques, and fully understand the store’s policy on what to do if there is a shoplifter. The BBB also noted that exceptional customer service is another defense against theft. Encourage staff to greet customers and make friendly eye contact with them as they enter the store and throughout the sales process.

Consider hiring a security guard during the holiday season.
Many companies hire a security guard for the holidays or an additional guard during that time. While a uniformed security guard can let would-be thieves know that you’re serious about security, guards in plain clothes have also proven effective in catching thieves. Security guards can also be helpful in watching your video surveillance system in real-time to catch shoplifters before they leave the store.

Make sure your business is well-lit.
Thieves, of course, prefer the dark, so good lighting both inside and outside your business does much to prevent criminals from breaking-in. Make sure that all your doors are well-lit, especially after hours. Using motion detector lights can be helpful. Even after hours, it’s a good idea to keep some lights on inside your business so that you can easily see in from outside the building.

Be shrewd about employee theft.
Many companies hire seasonal employees to help with the increased crowds. Performing a background check with references and a drug screening on even temporary employees can help prevent employee theft. Access control systems can also help monitor employees and prevent them from unnecessarily being in stockrooms or others areas during specific times. Make random, unannounced visits to your store, checking inventory and registers. Experts suggest to be watchful of an employee who keeps a calculator by the register or a separate receipt book. Encourage good communication by allowing employees to anonymously report if they suspect co-worker theft.

Home Security Tips for the Holidays

Makhome securitye your home looks occupied.
Burglars would most likely first try to break into a home that looks vacant, so keeping your inside lights and even your television on a timer when you’re away will help to make your home looked occupied. Motion sensor lights for your outdoor landscape can also help deter thieves.

Make sure your home security system is activated and up-to-date. 
Keep your home alarm system on at all times, even when you’re at home, because many thieves will break-in even when the resident is home, and many thieves attempt to break-in during the day when residents are often at work. Place signs in your front and backyard advertising that you have a security system to deter thieves. Keep all your doors locked with deadbolts and pick- and drill-resistant locks. Keep sliding doors locked and secure with metal rods or dowels in the slats.

Keep valuables away from windows.
Make sure your computer, big screen television, or Christmas gifts are not clearly visible from the outside. Pricey gifts and other valuable items placed near windows may make it easier and more tempting for thieves to quickly break the window and grab the items.

Keep your trees and shrubs trimmed.
Burglars love to hide behind things when breaking-in, so an overgrown tree or shrub next to a window creates a great hiding spot.

Be careful about what you trash.
Don’t place empty boxes from expensive holiday gifts next to the trashcan or curb outside your house. This can easily let thieves know what valuables you have inside. Cut up the packaging and place it inside plastic bags in your trashcan to conceal the identity of your new items.

Take steps to keep your home secure when on vacation.
Again, making your home look occupied and part of a normal routine is important in deterring thieves. Ask a friend or neighbor to check on your home or house sit when you’re away, picking up any flyers or items delivered to your home. Stop the mail and newspapers from being delivered while you’re gone. Be careful to not advertise on social media or on your answering machine when you’re on vacation. Unplug electronics to prevent a house fire. Lock and secure every entrance to your home.

These are just a few tips to help you be more secure during the busy holiday season whether at home or at work. Have the Tulsa and Oklahoma City security system specialists at Mac Systems install, inspect, test, and maintain your security system to ensure you’re always safe.

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