What are the Benefits of Clean Agent Fire Suppression for Tulsa and OKC Businesses?

Clean agent fire suppression systems protect costly computer equipment, as well as priceless artwork from a fire while not damaging them. These systems have become the premier fire solution for Tulsa and Oklahoma City businesses in protecting valuable assets. These clean agent systems, such as the 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid, protect sensitive areas where water could cause significant damage. “In many instances, it’s possible that water suppression could do more damage than the fire itself,” the 3M Company reported,” and the situation is especially unfortunate if the discharge is triggered in error.”
Water damage can cause a significant amount of downtime for a business in the event of a fire or false alarm, especially for e-commerce businesses. Water can also pose a safety issue for firefighters where live electrical equipment is in place. Thus, clean agent fire extinguishing systems can be  an invaluable alternative to water-based extinguishing systems by not damaging highly valuable collateral.

What are clean agent systems? A “clean agent” is defined as an “electrically nonconductive, volatile, or gaseous fire extinguishing that does not leave a residue upon evaporation,” by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2001. Novec™ 1230 and FM 200 clean chemical gas release systems that safely eliminate fires without damaging sensitive equipment.

Clean fire extinguishing systems provide a number of other benefits including fast and effective fire suppression – before the fire has time to take over. These systems react to a fire quickly, sin the early stages of the fire, discharging as a gas in seconds and permeating the area so that the fire is effectively suppressed and doesn’t have a chance to spread. This reduces the amount of costly cleanup and repairs needed to get back to business.

These agents are also safe for humans when used in accordance with NFPA Standard 2001. The 3M Company noted that the “Novec 1230 fluid has a very wide margin of safety for use in occupied areas, which makes it suitable for areas frequented by staff.” Clean agents thus create no breathing problems or obscure vision. This provides an added layer of fire protection for employees.

Another important benefit of clean agents is their environmentally-friendly nature. Unlike halon which was banned from production in 1994 under the Clean Air Act, clean agents have an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero, a low global warming potential (GWP), and very short atmospheric lifetime. Novec 1230, for example, has a GWP of just one and an atmospheric lifetime of just five days. This excellent environmental profile as well as its safety and great extinguishing properties make clean agents the best fire suppression choice in protecting delicate and expensive business equipment.

Also, these clean fire suppression systems are great for areas with limited storage space. Cylinders for clean agents take up far less space than those of CO2 or inert gas systems, which make them ideal for businesses with restricted space as such offshore applications.

Overall, its non-corrosive and non-conductive properties, its safety to humans and the environment, as well as its ability to evaporate immediately, leaving no damaging residues, make clean agents priceless fire suppression systems for Tulsa and Oklahoma City business owners.

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